Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Would you want a room key?

I love stumbling onto things through social media that I would never find on my own - check out this room from Juxtapoz Magazine...

Half Graff Tilt_1

Half Graff Tilt_4
Half Graff Tilt_6

Or what about this design idea for those folks with youngsters?!
Artist Yayoi Kusama took a white room "canvas" at Queensland Gallery of Modern Art and handed it over to thousands of kids armed with thousands of stickers! The result = BRILLIANT!!
All images (and the rest of the story) from HERE

This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids stickers kids installation art
This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids stickers kids installation art
This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids stickers kids installation art

This is my favorite picture!
This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids stickers kids installation art

Monday, February 27, 2012


We all need inspiration in our lives – to drive us to be better than we thought, to go farther than we dreamed and reach for something we didn’t even know was there. My mom has been my inspiration for years and probably doesn’t even know it! She is by far one of the most “proper” and stylish women I know. Her thank you note is in the mail the day she receives a gift, she always sets the table by the book, the house is perfectly “tidy” and ready for guests, and even her winter war gear for a Nor’easter includes stylish boots! My mom is also an entrepreneur and successful business women. Since I can remember she has been a fashion consultant for Doncaster and continually leads the pack as one of the top sellers in her region. Her competitive spirit drives her success, but always with the utmost grace. I am truly blessed to have her as my mom and hope to follow in her perfect size 7 footprints.

meet momma!

now watch the video...
Did I also mention she has a great sense of humor! So when she sent me this YouTube video I had to share and send some love her way.

A little lesson in style and personal expression…

Friday, February 24, 2012


I am no stranger to dreams! Most mornings I wake up after the most amazing dream...determined that if I turned my dream into a movie I would be strolling down the red carpet with my acceptance speech tucked away in my gown. Then you ask me to describe my dream and nothing makes sense, go figure!
Along with crazy “Oscar winning” dreams, I tend to be a dreamer in general and love big ideas! Growing up I would always tell my parents about my next big idea with full confidence that this idea was even better than the one I had last week. My parents always fully supported me and encouraged me to reach for the stars...they knew deep down I was sensible. My big ideas were my opportunities to take my love for creativity and turn it into something tangible, more than just an arts and crafts project. All through school I took as many art classes as possible and even built my major to have a 50/50 balance between marketing/business and art. Then reality really kicked in after school and my path to finding a career took me away from my creative world. BUT I am back!
Being surrounded by friends that are so talented and crafty has definitely inspired me to step it up. And what did I learn - how much I have missed being able to express myself through some form of design. It is a different type of accomplishment, one that is driven by my ideas and my choices. What's my canvas of choice these days...“cupcake décor” and getting back into graphic design. Below are some address labels I made to refresh my photoshop and illustrator skills.


Final thought, never let what you love drift away!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Something Old Something New

As we travel through the years and keep up with the times, it is important to remember where we came from. Our family members are more than just branches on a tree, but a treasure chest of our past by passing stories and "gold" to each generation. Along with the many stories, I will always remember my grandmother by the antique chair she has passed onto to me. This chair is stunning and I am thrilled for it to start our collection of blending old with new. I love when people mix their furniture with charms from the past and modern structure. To me that is home! Granny's green chair needs a bit of TLC, which terrifies me! The last thing I want to do is take away from it's beauty so I am hitting up Pinterest for inspiration. I won't finalize any decisions until it has the perfect spot in our new home, but I will take advantage of the time to explore ideas.

Here is granny's green chair...

Makeover inspiration...

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Or maybe a solid chair with an accent pillow...
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Or in honor of my British grandmother a Union Jack pillow!

Any other suggestions??

Happy Fat Tuesday!
from Flowerdew Cupcakes

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

From the ground up!

A little rain didn't stop us from our traditional Sunday family road trip. Dave, Lexi and I jumped in the car and were off for a quick site check. Once we got there it didn't take long for me to jump right into exploring. I could have used a pair of Hunters today as I was climbing through the mud to check out every corner of our future home.

These would be the perfect "house boots"!!! Another item for the ever growing wish list!

This week the crews poured the basement floor and I couldn't wait to see the progress. I "officially" stood in our house for the first time! We decided it was a bit too muddy for Lexi, but she always marks her territory each trip. She gets it I am sure of it!

As the house starts to become more and more of a reality the to do list can no longer be ignored! Our condo is a merger of two lives and endless amounts of stuff hiding in closets. I am determined to start my sorting, packing and organizing! The chaos of our closets now drives me crazy so I have spent many hours searching Pinterest (obsessed like everyone else) for organizing tips and products. Here is what I would love to see in our new home - thank you pinners!!!

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Perfectly organized bookshelf!
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Beautiful spring colors - great way to brighten a room and keep it organized!
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Loving the black and white polka dot boxes!
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We already have a few of these pop boxes (need to get those labels) and I want more! Best container for the kitchen and pantry.
 I have my work cut out for me!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sweet Motivation!

The house update is coming, I promise!
I was working late last night in the "cupcake factory".

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Vanilla Cupcake with Buttercream/Cream Cheese Icing. And of course using my Erin Condren life planner for the picture, so many uses!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day! 

it starts in my toes
and I crinkle my nose
wherever it goes I always know
that you make me smile
~Colbie Caillat

Monday, February 13, 2012

Save the date!

It is hard not to follow {and at times impossible} the digital world! Trust me, I fully embrace email, evites, google calendar, facebook, and even blogging, but I also have an appreciation for "old school". Even with our google calendar and my work outlook calendar, I still have a "traditional" calendar. You know what I am talking about, the type you hang on the wall and flip from month to month, do you remember those?! However my hanging calendar has some new competition.

Before I introduce you to my new best friend Erin {who only knows my name by my order}, let's flash back to just yesterday, ok way back, to my school days. I have always been a visual person and love to color code. As soon as I got my class schedule I would assign each class a color and start working on my weekly planner - filling in classes, tests, field hockey games, tennis matches, the list goes on and always in a colorful, well thought out pattern. My LL Bean backpack {all Mainers had one} was full of multi colored gelly roll pens - do you remember those - don't worry I still use them!

Once I became a big kid and started a "real" job I left my planner days behind, but kept the hanging calendar marked with activities, trips, events, celebrations, birthdays - ok you get the point! Then one of the greatest things happened in my planning and color coding life - her name is Erin Condren! My co-worker, Sarah, noticed my calendar and asked if I knew about Condren's Life Planners. What? No! Googling {thank you digital world}. Instantly I had flash backs to my school days and knew it was time to bring the planner back! Move over calendar, the life planner has taken your spot! These planners are so fun and full of colorful designs. You get to customize your cover and get some fun personalized samples of other items they sell. These planners are a bit pricey, so I took a couple of days to think about my purchase but "I loved it, I really loved it"! Check it out!

I use the full calendar for any travel as a quick glance to keep track of when I am out of town.
Green is my workout color, for some reason when I write it down I feel more committed :)
For all those mommies out there!
All images from Erin Condren's website -

Great picture of the planner in action from another blogger Blue-Eyed Bride. Always fun to stumble on a new blog when looking for something, had fun reading her posts.

This was the cover I selected because it was bright and colorful - of course we put our own names on it!

Megan, introduced me to these pens and now they are my favorite everyday pen. Lots of color options and write beautifully - Uni-ball, available at most office supplies stores.

There is also a wedding version of the planner which would be a great gift for a bride-to-be!

Erin Condren has a great collection of fun way to personalize your life! Next on my wish list are the address labels once we make our big move!

Speaking of a new address, up next, status update regarding our future Home Sweet Home!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Let's talk lemons

Yes, I took a break…it wasn’t that long really, right?! My Be Pretty gal pal sent me a little email reminder – Subject: “Houston we have a problem” Content: “Dew Drop In, last updated 10 months”. YIKES, is it really that bad! Skipping the excuses, none of them are very good anyways, and jumping right back in!
Have you ever found a product, a brand, a style, that you just need in your life. Well I have fallen hard and for workout clothes! Totally normal, I am well aware. Meet my current crush Lululemon!
It is an unfortunate part of my personality, I fall in love with a brand which results in constantly checking the website, talking/emailing/texting about it, leisurely frequently swinging into the store drooling over ”new items”, and standing in front of the mirror rationalizing why I deserve to buy this item, how it will complete my wardrobe, after this I am done shopping for a while, it fits perfect, so me, so not me and that is why I love it….it really is a battle in the dressing room. However, I do feel blessed that I have the will power to walk through a mall without making a purchase – all thanks to my mom and her words of wisdom - “Do you love it, only buy it if you love it!” But my weakness is FULL PRICE items – I am the absolute worst bargain hunter! Sale racks frustrate me, don’t like online shopping and discount stores overwhelm me - many of my friends find the most amazing things –
me: “that dress is gorgeous!”
friend: “thank you, only $30!”
me: “silent I hate you (in a loving way) you always find the greatest deals, I am so jealous” – which is so true, I wish I could be a bargain shopper.
So back to Lulu! If I was asked to describe my body type I would check “Athletic” – I don’t really know how this is defined, but I love playing sports and staying active – so athletic just seems to fit. If I am not playing a sport, running or working out {which isn’t as much as it sounds} I still live in workout gear – unfortunately not approved at my 9 – 5! For this very reason I have come to appreciate quality workout clothes – especially NO STINK fabrics - cue Lulu’s Silverescent!  I have only known about the Canada based company for a year or so but amazed by the products and intrigued by the culture of the brand {the marketer in me}. Typically when I go shopping I keep to myself and avoid sales people, but one day I was feeling chatty in the Lululemon store and started talking to one of the “educators”. She informed me about the design of the clothes and fabrics – I WAS SOLD! How do I define Lulu – other brands make women’s styles BUT Lulu is designed for women – make sense?
A few of my favorites – which I own J
In Stride Jacket
In stride jacket – my most recent purchase which I debated and debated but love it and it has become my go to. I love an easy zip up and the stripes are so fun!
RUN: Inspire Crop
Inspire Crop – BEST running pants I own – got me through 13.1 miles in total comfort!!
Run:Your Heart Out Tank
Run your heart out tank – LOVE this tank, loose but still so flattering! Perfect for our Group Power (a full body lifting class)
My wish list - hmm if only my hubby read blogs JJ
Run:Back On Track Tank
Back on track tank in pig pink - perfect color and super cute!!!
Run: Spirit Tight II
Spirit tight - A splash of Paris Pink, ideal for running during those cold days!
  Run: Speed Short
Speed short – Must have to match with my In Stride Jacket!
 Run:Back On Track Skirt
Back on track skirt – Runners can definitely be girlie!!

The clothes are just the surface – the culture is very unique to any other retailer I know. They support local communities through studios and fitness centers, brand ambassadors who are typically local instructors, Facebook, attending local events with their catchy signs cheering runners on, partnering with a studio to host free classes and even yoga classes’ right outside their store front. Nothing like a little down dog during your mall run! The company started as a yoga brand, which is clear when you go to a class and over 50% of the people are sporting the “fancy” A logo. They have now expanded to a variety of sports and activities, which even include ballet! The store teams are encouraged required to participate in group fitness, which I have tried to replicate by encouraging my co-workers to run a half marathon together. Growing up playing team sports taught me how motivating it is to work together to achieve a goal. It also means you have someone to toast bubbly with when you celebrate your success!
I saw these signs during one of my road races and chuckled as I ran past not even realizing they were Lulus!!

Love pilates? Want to try it out? It is the Studio of the Month!! Check it out at Lululemon Athletica Southpark Facebook page!!

Even with Lululemon’s “high end” products (and prices), “boutique style” inventory (at times limited) and the struggling economy they continue to grow, impressively! Fans have even formed Facebook pages to sell, buy and trade items. The company has been scrutinized in the media and there are some things I don’t fully support {or know the whole story}, but coming from an organization that spends a lot of time in the headlines, I understand the importance of having your own opinion. A positive outlook on life, stylish designs and amazing fabrics are enough to keep me going back to Lulu!

This was a LONG post – clearly I miss my blogging days! I will be back on Monday; it is marked on my Erin Condren calendar – which will lead to my next post!!!